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Caspersz, D., Cullen, H., Davis, M.C., Jog, D., McGaughey, F., Singhal, D., Sumner, M., & Voss, H. (2022). Modern slavery in global value chains: A global factory and governance perspective. Journal of Industrial Relations, 64 (2). doi:

McGaughey, F., Voss, H., Cullen, H., & Davis, M.C. (2022). Corporate responses to tackling modern slavery: a comparative analysis of Australia, France and the UK. Business & Human Rights Journal, 7 (2), 249-270. doi:

Sumner, M, Singhal, D., Davis, M, & Voss, H. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on Indian fashion supply chains: Research Summary. Modern Slavery and Human Rights PEC. Report. Download Link

Sumner, M, Singhal, D., Davis, M, & Voss, H. (2021). Fashion Supply Chains, Modern Slavery and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts, Empathy and Resilience. Report. University of Leeds and Goa Institute of Management. Download Link

Dowling, FSumner, MDavis, M, & Voss, H. (2021). The impact of Covid-19 on unethical practices in global supply chains. Report. University of Leeds and HEC Montreal. doi:

Davis, M. C., Voss, H., Sumner, M. P., & Singhal, D. (2021). Sorting It Out: Identifying and Addressing Conflicts and Business Ethics in Global Value Networks. Management Teaching Review,

Voss, H., Davis, M., Sumner, M., Waite, L., Ras, I.A., Singhal, D., & Jog., D. 2019. International supply chains: compliance and engagement with the Modern Slavery Act. Journal of the British Academy, 7(s1), 61–76. DOI

Blitz, B. & Voss, H. 2019. Pulling the thread: engagement with the UK Modern Slavery Act from a global fashion and textile industry perspective.

Voss, H., Davis, M., Waite, L., Sumner, M., & Ras, I.A. 2018. Written evidence MSA0092, 16 October 2018.

Inclusion and explicit mentioning in the Environmental Audit Committee report. “Fixing fashion: clothing consumption and sustainability” (19 Feb 2019) (